T- Fal Optigrill Review
I'm Jason King today we're gonna be checking out cheap else off to Europe plus the box here's everything you get your warranty instructions that little booklet with 32 recipes some quick guides and a drink for easy cleaning the grill place just pop off the books on the side can go in the dishwasher I'm gonna give it a quick wash to get it back on simply put it on and snap in place that's easy and the top growth plate is pretty much the same clip here without you don't wash you can watch the grill plates with little bit of soap and water or a hundred percent dishwasher safe here's a quick look at the automatic cooking programs yet your power you can put frozen food on here burgers whole treat damaged this is sausage lamb or pork red meat fish or you can save your own temperature control this little died here sensus healthcare meetings and I will let you know if it's rare medium or well done by the light of nice large trip and just slide right let's get cooking simply turned it on thick red meat ok so the first coat I gotta go with state even naked just brush off a little bit of oil to both sides the Arctic girl just be which means a preheated oven at all but it's yellow it's rare oranges medium red is well done just keep an eye on the light on taking it off when he gets the medium alleged thieves in the states have media crack it open check it out looks well as they did last too long around here as he often does coming up a couple burgers turn on the uptick rule uni-select the bird resetting just said okay let preheat the optical just keep which means it's preheated get these burgers well done just turn red in the burgers are done let's take them off gets too big
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